Research Assistance During Your Summer Internships!

First and foremost, congratulations on finishing another year of law school! As the school year turns into the summer, y’all are probably getting ready to begin your summer internships. Did you know that the library can help during those internships? In fact, here are four ways that the library can assist you!

  1. During your summer internships, you still have access to Westlaw and Lexis through the library. That means if your firm or agency does not have access to Westlaw or Lexis, you can still use those software! In addition, you have access to tons of niche databases like HeinOnline, Proquest, and the digitized copies of the Colorado Session Laws.
  2. If you get a difficult research question during your internship, please reach out to us! All of our reference librarians hold a J.D. and are experts in legal research. So, if you need help finding a statute, case, regulation, or any other legal document, we can help!
  3. The reference librarians are also available for in-person and zoom informational interviews. For example, if you are struggling with researching federal regulations, you could set up a meeting with a reference librarian. They would then help teach you how to research federal regulations and help you learn practical research skills.
  4. Lastly, the library is open all summer long. If you are one of the lucky ones with a remote internship, or if you just need a relaxing place to work, come on down to the library! We have quite places to work, study rooms you can take zoom calls in, and mountain views.

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Call: 303-492-7534